Living out the Great Commission is a priority of Greece Assembly.  We believe the command given by Jesus to, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15), is as relevant to the church today as it was when He first gave it, over two thousand years ago.  One of the four core values at Greece Assembly is:  SHARE - Producing New Followers. We believe it is the church's responsibility to SHARE the gospel to lost people, both locally and globally, through missions.

Below are ministries in the Rochester area that we both prayerfully and financially support.

If you are interested in learning more about these, or getting involved, click the logo to the left to be redirected to their site.

  • Demonstrating God’s Love in Practical Ways

    Mission Share strives to help those in need overcome life obstacles and establish self-dependence by providing: clothing, food, school supplies, life-skills training classes, pregnancy care, and more!

  • Raising Up Champions of Society

    Bethel Express is dedicated to impacting young lives in the inner city with the Good News of Jesus. They teach spiritual strength (through worship, discipleship & prayer), social stability (through outings & work training), and scholastic success (through tutoring, school visits, & scholarships). 

  • Turning Fear into Confidence

    Compass Care Pregnancy Services operates a professional medical office, with staff dedicated to transforming fear into confidence in the lives of women facing unplanned pregnancies. 

  • Rochester’s Mobile Soup Kitchen for Christ

    The Father’s Heart Ministry goes out into Monroe County ministering the love of Christ to those in need—trying to enhance the quality of life for people on the streets, both physically and spiritually. 

  • Changing Lives Behind Bars

    Good News Jail Ministry uses Christian chaplains and practical, life-giving, programs to minister to the spiritual needs of the inmates and staff of the Monroe Country Jail and Correctional Facility. 

  • Restoring Hope, Changing Lives

    Open Door Mission is founded on the belief that, with proper resources, hope can be restored and lives of impoverished men, women, and children of Rochester, NY, could be forever changed. 

  • Restoring Broken Lives

    RATC is a faith-based solution for the drug epidemic. Taking a holistic approach, they provide services designed to help with the spiritual, mental, emotional, social and physical wellness of those struggling with addiction. The hope is for lives to be transformed—flourishing in society, free from addiction.


  • Anchored to the Rock, Geared to the Times

    RYFC reaches young people , working together with the local church and like- minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus—creatively communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ in the context of different cultural settings.


  • Equipping Ministries to Reach the Lost

    Samaritan Harvest collects food that would be wasted and transports it to soup kitchens and other locations at no expense to the recipient. This reduces hunger in our community and provides a witness of God's love and provision. 

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  • Grace House—Rochester

    The mission of Saving Grace Ministries, Inc. is to provide a smooth transition to community life for men and women recently released from a correctional facility by providing a highly-structured pro-gram based on Christian principles,