“to always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you
a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.”
I Peter 3:15
EQUIP classes are Wednesday evenings at 7 PM.
They meet weekly on Wednesday evenings (except the 1st Wednesday of each month).
EQUIP: For a Life of Ministry is our midweek discipleship emphasis. It will have a strong focus on apologetics, which can be defined as the defense of the Christian faith. EQUIP is committed to communicating the truths of Scripture in an accurate, clear, and practical way. The goal is to equip believers to unequivocally know who they are in Christ and reach their full potential serving Christ as disciple-makers.
All EQUIP classes support our priority of Loving God and Loving People, and encompass our core values of Know, Grow, Serve, and Share. There are classes for the entire family!
To learn more about Equip, CLICK HERE (for our Equip Booklet) Information on classes and format of each Equip night are below. We will meet weekly on Wednesday evenings, and the first Wednesday of each month will be our family prayer service (First Wednesday).
CLASSES for all ages!
It is our prayer that all of our church family, young and old alike, will be equipped theologically (with a right understanding of what God says) and practically (with a right application of what God says). Both are essential in being equipped for a life of ministry.
“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.”
Mark 1:35
Most of us would say that prayer (along with the word of God) is the most important aspect of Christian living, yet to most people prayer is something of a mystery. We struggle to understand prayer and discipline ourselves to set time aside for prayer. We get discouraged in prayer, not knowing what to say or how to go about it. We view some prayers as seemingly not answered and can lose heart.
Andrew Murray believed that prayer was “a key to unlock the doors to a rich, joyous life in Christ.” Richard Foster believed that prayer was “the heart’s true home”. It has been called “God’s gateway to spiritual breakthrough”, and “our lifeline to God”. Jesus understood prayer. He knew the necessity of that daily time alone with the Father, and the moment by moment fellowship with Him. As we study His life we see Jesus moving from prayer to prayer. The disciples made the connection between His disciplined quiet time with the Father, and the power of His public ministry, leading them to request of Him “Lord, teach us to pray.”
In our winter Equip series Theology 101 – Prayer, we will look at prayer in the Bible: what it teaches, what examples are set, and what it looks like in our lives. We will have opportunity each week to then apply that teaching, and begin building the practice of prayer in our lives.
Patrick, Grace, and some Refuge leaders will launch Equip for our teens with a teaching series called Bible Studies For Life. Each session takes us through a section of scripture dealing with a specific topic. It breaks down the context of the scripture as a group and allows for practical application to life. It is designed to ask personal questions, which spurs great discussion during class time and allows for students to grow together.
Each session ends with the section Live it Out, which really embodies the heart of EQUIP – being equipped for a life of ministry. It has three sections in Live it Out: Christ, Community, and Culture. These sections challenge the students to consider how they can apply what they learn in their personal relationship with God (Christ), within the context of their church family (Community), and to the lost world (Culture).
Pastor Pat and Tina, along with Pastor Dan and Cathy, will spend one year with our 6th grade students — laying a strong foundation of truth as these students prepare for their passage into middle school. Foundation Careful Thinking Curriculum equips 6th graders with the basic skills they need to evaluate the truthfulness of ideas. This Curriculum sets the stage for critical thinking in every area of life. As children begin to learn the basic skills in careful thinking, they quickly begin to recognize faulty ideas in the world around them.
Biblical Worldview
- Builds a framework for living biblically in every area of life
- Teaches 6th graders how to defend their faith
Real-Life Application
- Applies what kids are learning to today’s world
Engaging Activities
- Games, Videos, and projects that bring the Bible to life
Critical Thinking Questions
- Questions that connect a student’s mind and faith
In the summer of 2025, the 6th grade students and their parents will be provided the opportunity to go on a field trip to the Ark Encounter in Kentucky. More details coming!
Our children are constantly bombarded with content from various sources, shaping their young minds in a rapidly changing world. It is essential to equip them to pursue truth and embrace a biblical worldview. Our goal with Foundation Worldview's curriculum is to equip and transform every child's thinking from blind belief to critical, evidence-based faith. The lessons and units are designed to equip your child with biblical literacy and critical thinking skills, so their faith in Christ remains strong into adulthood.
Classes will be as follows:
- Nursery (Ages 0-2)
- Preschool (Ages 3 - 5)
- Girls’ Ministry: K-2nd grade; 3rd-5th grade
- Boys’ Ministry*: K-2nd grade; 3rd-5th grade (*Royal Rangers)
There will be practical opportunities for them to “live it out!” They will learn what it means to love one another, serve the body of Christ, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Adults: Sanctuary
Clase en español: Room 116
- Refuge Students: Room 103 (Girls,
7th-12th Grade) & Room 106 (Guys, 7th-12th Grade)
- 6th Graders: Room 217
- Girls’ Ministry: Room 102 (3rd-5th Grade) & Room 101 (K-2nd Grade)
- Boys’ Ministry: Room 104 (3rd-5th Grade) & Room 105 (K-2nd Grade)
- Preschool: Room 219 (ages 3 - 5)
- Nursery: Room
218 (ages
6:00 PM — Dinner (pizza & salad served in the gym)
6:45 PM — Transition to classrooms
7:00 PM — Equip Sessions Begin
8:00 PM — Equip Sessions Conclude