Mission Share was started in the winter of 1993 with a Christmas outreach that provided a sit-down dinner and gifts for several families who were in need of assistance. The Bible verse, “But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased” (Hebrews 13:16), was adopted as the Mission Share theme verse. From there, Mission Share expanded its outreach efforts by providing food on an ongoing basis, thus, the Food Pantry began. In the Fall of 1994, Mission Share Thanksgiving was implemented, providing baskets filled with all the trimmings for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Soon the Clothing Closet started, then the Christmas outreach providing presents for children of incarcerated parents. In August 2005, the Back-2-School outreach, providing 500 children with backpacks filled with school supplies, was offered through Mission Share. In the Fall of 2006, the founders of Mission Share sensed it was time to expand its outreach efforts. In December 2008, Mission Share was incorporated as a 501(c)3 Not-For-Profit Corporation. In January 2009, Mission Share entered into a lease agreement at 10 Cedarfield Commons. On April 21st, 2009 we served our first clients in the new facility. The Mission Share motto is—"Sharing God's Love in Practical Ways."