Serving the Community. Sharing the Gospel.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good work  and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16


What a wonderful joy to live in a way that the light of Christ in you shines before others. That people may see your life and give glory to God. Our 2024 summer ministry theme is: GO – Give Opportunity  |  Serve the Community. Share the Gospel.


Please join us this summer as we put into practice what we have been learning through EQUIP. On four Wednesday Nights — July 17, 24, August 14, 28 — you will be given opportunities to serve the community and share the gospel through: Neighborhood Prayer Walks, Evangelism Track Ministry, Small Business Outreach, Service Projects at Athena High School, and Landscape Adoption/Clean-up of Town Parks. On these dates the teams will meet at 6 PM at the church with their team leaders to pray, receive ministry instruction, and then leave for their assigned ministry site.



Teams will be given the opportunity to walk and pray for people in Greece neighborhoods. As the Holy Spirit leads and guides, you will be encouraged to handout the “How Can We Pray For You Today?” cards. On every card is a QR code that will bring people to the Greece Assembly prayer tab on our website. Also, as the opportunity affords itself, you will be encouraged to hand out invite cards to Summer Celebration Sunday.


As a lead into GO: Give Opportunity, there is a special EQUIP series in the sanctuary called, SHARE JESUS. This teaching series is being team taught and takes place on Wednesday, May 22, 29 and June 12, 19. As a final preparation for our summer outreach, the adult EQUIP class on Wednesday, June 26th will be a special prayer service. The emphasis will be praying for the lost in our community. We will learn how to pray using the Scriptures. Praying the Scriptures is an effective and powerful prayer tool.